Paxman Academy Mission, Vision and Values
‘Building Brighter Futures’

Mission Statement
Paxman Academy is committed to providing an ordered, stimulating learning environment in which all students are encouraged to achieve their best. It is determined that all students should be valued through the provision of a broad, relevant, balanced and challenging curriculum that caters for individual needs. This is encouraged within an atmosphere of mutual respect. The Academy recognises its role within the broader community. It is determined to maintain a STEM focus throughout the curriculum and across extended learning opportunities. It identifies learning as a lifelong process and values the contribution made by parents and others to the creation of a partnership. Within this partnership, and through learning opportunities provided, students will develop skills, attitudes and values that prepare them to accept the challenges and responsibilities of adult life.
Vision and Values
Paxman Academy embraces the values of the SIGMA Trust to ensure that all students will fulfil their potential and transform life chances for all. We achieve this by:
- The development of productive, positive working relationships, so that every student is valued as an individual who is known and respected within an ordered and purposeful community that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain.
- Inspiring the next generation, encouraging ambition and aspiration by fostering excellence in learning through first class teaching across a broad range of subjects.
- An engaging, broad and balanced curriculum that maintains a STEM focus and develops the skills of creativity, problem solving and investigation whilst promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
- The development of effective partnerships and collaboration for the benefit and wellbeing of our community.